Spring - Fallon Solutions Mondays @ Mansfield (Men's) - Spring 2018

Division 1

  • Position assignment between Filthy Mongrels, Massive Duds, Bunch of Kante's, The Six Offenders, The Seaturtles and 2 Goals 1 Cup decided via points
Filthy Mongrels75020014410428
  • Bunch of Kante's vs Filthy Mongrels, 24/09/2018 8:30PM
    • 2 points for Draw
  • Filthy Mongrels vs The Six Offenders, 22/10/2018 7:00PM
    • 4 points for Win
  • Filthy Mongrels vs Massive Duds, 29/10/2018 7:45PM
    • 4 points for Win
  • Filthy Mongrels vs The Seaturtles, 05/11/2018 8:30PM
    • 4 points for Win
  • Bunch of Kante's vs Filthy Mongrels, 12/11/2018 8:30PM
    • 2 points for Draw
  • 2 Goals 1 Cup vs Filthy Mongrels, 19/11/2018 7:45PM
    • 4 points for Win
  • 2 Goals 1 Cup vs Filthy Mongrels, 26/11/2018 7:00PM
    • 4 points for Win
  • 29/10/2018: 1bonus point (Uniform Points - Week 1)
  • 05/11/2018: 1bonus point (Uniform Points - Week 2)
  • 19/11/2018: 1bonus point (Uniform Points - Week 4)
  • 26/11/2018: 1bonus point (Uniform Points - Week 5)
  • Position assignment between Filthy Mongrels, Massive Duds, Bunch of Kante's, The Six Offenders, The Seaturtles and 2 Goals 1 Cup decided via points
Massive Duds75200021129222
  • 2 Goals 1 Cup vs Massive Duds, 22/10/2018 7:45PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for every 5 scored)
  • Filthy Mongrels vs Massive Duds, 29/10/2018 7:45PM
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for losing by 1)
  • Bunch of Kante's vs Massive Duds, 05/11/2018 8:30PM
    • 4 points for Win
  • Massive Duds vs The Six Offenders, 12/11/2018 7:45PM
    • 4 points for Win
  • Massive Duds vs The Seaturtles, 19/11/2018 7:00PM
    • 4 points for Win
  • Massive Duds vs The Seaturtles, 26/11/2018 7:45PM
    • 4 points for Win
  • Position assignment between Filthy Mongrels, Massive Duds, Bunch of Kante's, The Six Offenders, The Seaturtles and 2 Goals 1 Cup decided via points
Bunch of Kante's7214001091521
  • Bunch of Kante's vs Filthy Mongrels, 24/09/2018 8:30PM
    • 2 points for Draw
  • Bunch of Kante's vs The Seaturtles, 22/10/2018 8:30PM
    • 2 points for Draw
  • 2 Goals 1 Cup vs Bunch of Kante's, 29/10/2018 7:00PM
    • 4 points for Win
  • Bunch of Kante's vs Massive Duds, 05/11/2018 8:30PM
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for losing by 1)
  • Bunch of Kante's vs Filthy Mongrels, 12/11/2018 8:30PM
    • 2 points for Draw
  • Bunch of Kante's vs The Six Offenders, 19/11/2018 7:45PM
    • 2 points for Draw
  • Bunch of Kante's vs The Six Offenders, 26/11/2018 7:00PM
    • 4 points for Win
  • 29/10/2018: 1bonus point (Uniform Points - Week 1)
  • 05/11/2018: 1bonus point (Uniform Points - Week 2)
  • 12/11/2018: 1bonus point (Uniform Points - Week 3)
  • 26/11/2018: 1bonus point (Uniform Points - Week 5)
  • Tied on points with The Six Offenders
  • Position assignment between The Seaturtles and The Six Offenders decided via goal difference
The Seaturtles7133001314-1414
  • 2 Goals 1 Cup vs The Seaturtles, 24/09/2018 7:45PM
    • 2 points for Draw
  • Bunch of Kante's vs The Seaturtles, 22/10/2018 8:30PM
    • 2 points for Draw
  • The Seaturtles vs The Six Offenders, 29/10/2018 7:00PM
    • 4 points for Win
  • 2 Goals 1 Cup vs The Seaturtles, 12/11/2018 7:00PM
    • 2 points for Draw
  • Massive Duds vs The Seaturtles, 26/11/2018 7:45PM
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for losing by 1)
  • 29/10/2018: 1bonus point (Uniform Points - Week 1)
  • 05/11/2018: 1bonus point (Uniform Points - Week 2)
  • 26/11/2018: 1bonus point (Uniform Points - Week 5)
  • Tied on points with The Seaturtles
  • Position assignment between The Seaturtles and The Six Offenders decided via goal difference
The Six Offenders714200817-9614
  • Massive Duds vs The Six Offenders, 24/09/2018 7:00PM
    • 4 points for Win
  • 2 Goals 1 Cup vs The Six Offenders, 05/11/2018 7:45PM
    • 2 points for Draw
  • Bunch of Kante's vs The Six Offenders, 19/11/2018 7:45PM
    • 2 points for Draw
  • Bunch of Kante's vs The Six Offenders, 26/11/2018 7:00PM
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for losing by 1)
  • 29/10/2018: 1bonus point (Uniform Points - Week 1)
  • 05/11/2018: 1bonus point (Uniform Points - Week 2)
  • 12/11/2018: 1bonus point (Uniform Points - Week 3)
  • 19/11/2018: 1bonus point (Uniform Points - Week 4)
  • 26/11/2018: 1bonus point (Uniform Points - Week 5)
  • Position assignment between Filthy Mongrels, Massive Duds, Bunch of Kante's, The Six Offenders, The Seaturtles and 2 Goals 1 Cup decided via points
2 Goals 1 Cup7043001020-1039
  • 2 Goals 1 Cup vs The Seaturtles, 24/09/2018 7:45PM
    • 2 points for Draw
  • 2 Goals 1 Cup vs Bunch of Kante's, 29/10/2018 7:00PM
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for losing by 1)
  • 2 Goals 1 Cup vs The Six Offenders, 05/11/2018 7:45PM
    • 2 points for Draw
  • 2 Goals 1 Cup vs The Seaturtles, 12/11/2018 7:00PM
    • 2 points for Draw
  • 2 Goals 1 Cup vs Filthy Mongrels, 26/11/2018 7:00PM
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for losing by 1)
  • 12/11/2018: 1bonus point (Uniform Points - Week 3)

Division 2

  • Position assignment between You Reckon United (Old 2), It's Coming Home, Murder on Zidane's Floor, OPM FC, Real Sosobad and Mansfield Maestros decided via points
You Reckon United (Old 2)76100021147630
  • OPM FC vs You Reckon United (Old 2), 24/09/2018 7:45PM
    • 4 points for Win
  • It's Coming Home vs You Reckon United (Old 2), 22/10/2018 7:00PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for every 5 scored)
  • Real Sosobad vs You Reckon United (Old 2), 29/10/2018 8:30PM
    • 4 points for Win
  • Mansfield Maestros vs You Reckon United (Old 2), 05/11/2018 7:45PM
    • 4 points for Win
  • OPM FC vs You Reckon United (Old 2), 12/11/2018 8:30PM
    • 4 points for Win
  • Murder on Zidane's Floor vs You Reckon United (Old 2), 26/11/2018 8:30PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for every 5 scored)
  • 29/10/2018: 1bonus point (Uniform Points - Week 1)
  • 12/11/2018: 1bonus point (Uniform Points - Week 3)
  • 19/11/2018: 1bonus point (Uniform Points - Week 4)
  • 26/11/2018: 1bonus point (Uniform Points - Week 5)
  • Position assignment between You Reckon United (Old 2), It's Coming Home, Murder on Zidane's Floor, OPM FC, Real Sosobad and Mansfield Maestros decided via points
It's Coming Home73310015150721
  • Murder on Zidane's Floor vs It's Coming Home, 24/09/2018 8:30PM
    • 2 points for Draw
  • It's Coming Home vs OPM FC, 29/10/2018 8:30PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for every 5 scored)
  • Murder on Zidane's Floor vs It's Coming Home, 12/11/2018 7:45PM
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for losing by 1)
  • Mansfield Maestros vs It's Coming Home, 19/11/2018 8:30PM
    • 4 points for Win
  • Mansfield Maestros vs It's Coming Home, 26/11/2018 7:45PM
    • 4 points for Win
  • 29/10/2018: 1bonus point (Uniform Points - Week 1)
  • 05/11/2018: 1bonus point (Uniform Points - Week 2)
  • 12/11/2018: 1bonus point (Uniform Points - Week 3)
  • 19/11/2018: 1bonus point (Uniform Points - Week 4)
  • 26/11/2018: 1bonus point (Uniform Points - Week 5)
  • Position assignment between You Reckon United (Old 2), It's Coming Home, Murder on Zidane's Floor, OPM FC, Real Sosobad and Mansfield Maestros decided via points
Murder on Zidane's Floor73220015141420
  • Murder on Zidane's Floor vs It's Coming Home, 24/09/2018 8:30PM
    • 2 points for Draw
  • Murder on Zidane's Floor vs Real Sosobad, 22/10/2018 8:30PM
    • 2 points for Draw
  • Mansfield Maestros vs Murder on Zidane's Floor, 29/10/2018 7:45PM
    • 4 points for Win
  • Murder on Zidane's Floor vs OPM FC, 05/11/2018 7:00PM
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for losing by 1)
  • Murder on Zidane's Floor vs It's Coming Home, 12/11/2018 7:45PM
    • 4 points for Win
  • Murder on Zidane's Floor vs You Reckon United (Old 2), 19/11/2018 7:00PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for every 5 scored)
  • 12/11/2018: 1bonus point (Uniform Points - Week 3)
  • 19/11/2018: 1bonus point (Uniform Points - Week 4)
  • Position assignment between You Reckon United (Old 2), It's Coming Home, Murder on Zidane's Floor, OPM FC, Real Sosobad and Mansfield Maestros decided via points
OPM FC723200810-2517
  • OPM FC vs You Reckon United (Old 2), 24/09/2018 7:45PM
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for losing by 1)
  • Mansfield Maestros vs OPM FC, 22/10/2018 7:45PM
    • 2 points for Draw
  • Murder on Zidane's Floor vs OPM FC, 05/11/2018 7:00PM
    • 4 points for Win
  • OPM FC vs You Reckon United (Old 2), 12/11/2018 8:30PM
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for losing by 1)
  • OPM FC vs Real Sosobad, 19/11/2018 8:30PM
    • 4 points for Win
  • OPM FC vs Real Sosobad, 26/11/2018 8:30PM
    • 2 points for Draw
  • 05/11/2018: 1bonus point (Uniform Points - Week 2)
  • 12/11/2018: 1bonus point (Uniform Points - Week 3)
  • 26/11/2018: 1bonus point (Uniform Points - Week 5)
  • Position assignment between You Reckon United (Old 2), It's Coming Home, Murder on Zidane's Floor, OPM FC, Real Sosobad and Mansfield Maestros decided via points
Real Sosobad72230014113216
  • Mansfield Maestros vs Real Sosobad, 24/09/2018 7:00PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for every 5 scored)
  • Murder on Zidane's Floor vs Real Sosobad, 22/10/2018 8:30PM
    • 2 points for Draw
  • Real Sosobad vs You Reckon United (Old 2), 29/10/2018 8:30PM
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for losing by 1)
  • It's Coming Home vs Real Sosobad, 05/11/2018 7:00PM
    • 4 points for Win
  • Mansfield Maestros vs Real Sosobad, 12/11/2018 7:00PM
    • 2 points for Draw
  • OPM FC vs Real Sosobad, 26/11/2018 8:30PM
    • 2 points for Draw
  • Position assignment between You Reckon United (Old 2), It's Coming Home, Murder on Zidane's Floor, OPM FC, Real Sosobad and Mansfield Maestros decided via points
Mansfield Maestros7052001019-948
  • Mansfield Maestros vs OPM FC, 22/10/2018 7:45PM
    • 2 points for Draw
  • Mansfield Maestros vs Murder on Zidane's Floor, 29/10/2018 7:45PM
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for losing by 1)
  • Mansfield Maestros vs You Reckon United (Old 2), 05/11/2018 7:45PM
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for losing by 1)
  • Mansfield Maestros vs Real Sosobad, 12/11/2018 7:00PM
    • 2 points for Draw
  • Mansfield Maestros vs It's Coming Home, 19/11/2018 8:30PM
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for losing by 1)
  • Mansfield Maestros vs It's Coming Home, 26/11/2018 7:45PM
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for losing by 1)